
colouring book

Between The Lines, Volume I is the first in a series of colouring books by yssa and features over 30 of her early drawings created to colour in.

“I am driven by the aesthetic of passion, intimacy and pleasure. The idea of creating line drawings that will be later coloured in by somebody else – who will make it her/his own – fascinates me!

I draw. You colourise.

Lose yourself while filling out those legs and breasts and ornaments. I’d love to see the book being colourised on kitchen tables, trains, park benches… Anywhere. Be unapologetic about what sends shivers down your spine. If you want to drag your lover into bed after colouring in a few pages, or even simply go and love yourself, then the goal of this book will have been achieved.”

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Stay in. Do yourself.

The lock down is moving towards the next phase here in Scotland, but a lot of us are torn between the angst of the pandemic and the deep urge to get out and be social again.
I am no exception. During lock down however, I must admit, these introverted weeks felt soothing and calming since nearly everyone was in the same situation around me. During these slow days I started writing letters and post cards again. What a wonderful and slow way to communicate!?

That is how the “Stay in. Do yourself” postcards originated. What better way to tell your loved ones to stay safe at home and do them selves a bit more often?

You can find these sexy risograph prints in my shop.

They were printed by the talented Herr & Frau Rio.